Love Mantra
“True Love is the highest vibration on the planet. ”
If you are looking to open your heart to give and receive love or heal old wounds; this Ritual & Mantra is perfect to recite alone or accompanied by a Mala or Crystals.
Love Drawing Ritual
Light some Palo Santo or Love Drawing Smudge Wand to cleanse your space of all stagnant or low vibrational energy.
Follow your Smudging Ritual by burning Rose, Ylang Ylang or any other Love Drawing Incense to help seal the vibrations and cast a circle of protection with a selenite wand.
Close your eyes and take three long, deep, cleansing inhales and exhales. Set the intentions for your meditation to be filled with peace, beauty, love and joy. After you have set your intentions. Begin to Recite the Love Mantra.
Love Mantra
I open my heart to love.
I open my heart to truth.
I open my soul to receive the univeral love.
Love Crystals
When working with the "Love" vibration the primary Chakra to stimulate is the fourth, green or Heart Chakra. Crystals traditionally associated with this Chakra are Jade, Emerald, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine and Ruby. Truthfully I believe you should work with the Crystals that most resonate with you at the time of your meditation. Let your intuition guide you to your sacred medicine. Your body knows how to heal itself the best. I've added some of my favorite products to the shop below for aligning yourself to this vibration.