To begin your Smudging Ritual first things first, find your center; close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Open your eyes and light your Smudge Wand of choice. Gently blow out the flame and place your Smudge Wand on a fireproof surface like an Abalone Shell. Using a Smudge Feather, fan the embers to create a steady supply of smoke and cleanse all corners of your space. As you cleanse, pray that your space be filled with light and blessed by only uplifting vibrations.



THE Smudging Tools 

Smudging Tools consist of a Dried Herb to burn, a Smudging Feather or Fan and an Abalone Shell or any other fireproof surface. The connection to the four elements is very strong during a smudging ritual. The shell represents the water element, the herbs represent the earth element, smoke represents the fire element and the feather represents the air element.



Sustainability practices

All of our Smudging Tools are acquired from sustainable, reliable and vetted sources. . We owe this plant a debt of appreciation, without human interference they would have been able to live out their natural life cycle. Your purchase supports indigenous entrepreneurs in the pacific northwest and southwestern United States, Mexico and Western South America who continue to ritually cultivate and harvest these items. In the tradition of their forefathers each herb is picked with permission. The herbs are formally harvested with a prayer of gratitude for this sacred plant medicine Our Floral Smudge Wands are made with roses and other florals from my organic garden, or are foraged from safe spaces, they are always in limited quantities and available seasonally



I cleanse this space purging what does not belong.

May the darkness be illuminated by my light; may peace reach all corners.

May all those who enter have pure intentions, may all those who leave be protected.

As I desire, so it will be.

Smudge Feather - Cleansing and Abundance
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Smudge Feather - Cleansing and Abundance