Rhodonite: Overcome Trauma, Heart Healing, Self Love

Rhodonite: Overcome Trauma, Heart Healing, Self Love
Rhodonite is a beautiful stone of grace and elegance. It is very calming and its soothing presence works to dispel anger, fear, stress and anxiety. Rhodonoite helps bring emotional balance and return self-confidence to the bearer. It is one of the best stones to work with the Heart Chakra. Rhodonite is a stone of contrast the pink part of the stone allows you to enhance love of all forms and attract a good mate; the black parts allow you to maintain grounded and protective aura.
Rhodonite is one of the main stones used to treat trauma, abuse and heartbreak. Rhodonite is a great stone for the restoration of physical energy that has been drained due to emotional trauma. It helps the bearer treat themselves with gentle self-love that will allow them to continue growing and developing. The stone helps you feel more stable and grounded regardless of the situation you are in. It teaches forgiveness and a release of resentful and bitter thoughts. Rhodonite helps provide clarity as to when the bearer is engaging in self-destructive tendencies and wallowing in low vibration thoughts and activities. It encourages a love of self and others along with helping you recognize your life’s purpose and talents you can offer to the universe
This beautiful tumbled stone hails from India.
*Size, shape and color will vary due to natural properties.*