Larvikite- Focus, Adaptability, Grounding and Protection

Larvikite- Focus, Adaptability, Grounding and Protection

from $9.99

Larvikite is a protective and grounding stone associated with the Root Third Eye and Crown Chakras. This Crystal is cleansing to body and facilitates a strong connection with the spirit of Nature, Larvikite can help us to see ourselves through the eyes of our higher self. It stimulates inner vision, enhances our psychic abilities and repels negative energy. It can neutralize and cancels spells that are no longer wanted.

Larvikite assists the brain to take in new information more easily as it creates new pathways for knowledge to travel and can assist with rapid mindset shifts or upgrading to a higher stream of consciousness. This Crystal also helps us understand facts to make decisions that are rational and not based upon our emotions. Larvikite increases our adaptability and strengthens our intellect, this crystal stimulates creativity, sharpens your concentration by removing unnecessary thoughts, and can temper you with patience.

Larvikite is an excellent stone to use during meditation or goal/intention setting because it will effectively still and focus your mind ultimately helping you achieve your goals and complete your projects sooner than you expect.

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The name originates from the Larvik Fjord region in Norway, where this type of crystal is found. Size, shape and color may vary due to natural properties.