WTF* is Smudging?

Smudge Ya Later Haters...
— The Gangster Hippie

You may have seen a friend or two burning a White Sage bundle or a Palo Santo Stick to keep away "bad vibes" but do you know the meaning behind the ritual? Below I've outlined a brief history of Smudging, Smudging Tools, a Smudging Ritual, a Smudging Prayer and a selection of my favorite Boutique items for all your smudging needs.



Smudging is the Native American art of Smoke Cleansing a person, space or object. It is believed that the herbal smoke will remove all residual energy frequencies from the Aura. Smudging gifts us the ability to clear our thoughts and energy field of anything weighing down our spirit.



We are constantly exchanging Atoms ultimately absorbing the vibrational energy of our environment. Just like you would clean you home and clothing, your Crystals and Aura should also be cleansed.  


To begin your Smudging Ritual first things first, find your center; close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Open your eyes and light your Smudge Wand of choice. Gently blow out the flame and place your Smudge Wand on a fireproof surface like an Abalone Shell. Using a Smudge Feather, fan the embers to create a steady supply of smoke and cleanse all corners of your space. As you cleanse, pray that your space be filled with light and blessed by only uplifting vibrations.


I cleanse this space purging what does not belong.

May the darkness be illuminated by my light; may peace reach all corners.

May all those who enter have pure intentions, may all those who leave be protected.

As I desire, so it will be.


Smudging Tools

Smudging Tools consist of a Dried Herbal Smudge Bundle, a Smudging Feather or Fan and an Abalone Shell. The connection to the four elements is very strong during a smudging ritual. The shell represents the water element, the herbs represent earth, smoke represents fire and the feather represents air.

Turkey Feathers have been used by Native Tribes to clear Aura’s and fan Smudge Smoke. Healers and Medicine men sweep the feather alongside the body to cleanse the auric field of the being. The feather can also be used to fan smoke across a body or to spread the smoke throughout an area. Feathering can be used to bring the element of air into a healing session or ritual space.

Abalone Shells have been used by Native Tribes as a smudge bowl to burn sage and other herbs. It is believed that Abalone carries the healing energies of spiritual protection and emotional balance.

Sacred Herbs that are used to smudge include California White Sage, Palo Santo, Desert Sage, Black Sage, Yerba Santa, Sweet Grass, Lavender, Copal Resin, Frankincense Resin and many more. The most popular smudging herbs are White Sage and Palo Santo, use your intuition and a bit of research if you are smudging for a specific intention. 

Smudge Shell - Protection and Prosperity
Only 1 available